Dora cake or dorayaki is a popular Japanese sandwich snack made with two fluffy pancakes joined with a sweet and creamy filling. Kids special oreo dora cake is one of a version of this famous food and it is one of the most favored current trending food on earth. It is easy, quick and it tastes yummy, appreciated by millions on daily basis. Of course this appreciation is directly or indirectly coming from the kids who enjoyed this tv show and insisted their moms to prepare dora cakes for them. But this food is as much famous among the adults as well due to its taste and fantastic looks. I can say that oreo dora cake is something I have loved my entire life.
Scrap off the cream from oreo biscuits.
Add biscuits in the grinder and crush to make a fine powder.
Gradually add milk in the grinder to make a batter. Do not add the milk at once as the batter will became thin and we need a pancake (ribbon) consistency of batter.
Take the batter in a bowl and then add baking powder, powdered sugar and baking soda in it. Combine well.
Heat a pan over low heat, grease it with just a drop or two of cooking oil.With a tissue wipe out the oi.
Add about 1/8 cup of cake batter in this heated pan, cook it for 2 minutes on low flame.
Flip and cook from the other side for 1-2 minutes as well.
Prepare all the dora cakes in the same manner.
For preparing the milk in the oreo cream that we separated from biscuits add fresh cream and powdered sugar. Combine everything well to form a thick cream mixture.
Apply this cream filling over on of prepared pancake, put another cake on top to make sandwich. Repeat the same process with other cakes as well.
_________Note: Make sure the cakes have completely cool down before applying the filling.