Pizza omelette is a healthier twist for the kids, protein packed to help them keep feeling fuller for long. The recipe of pizza omelette is really quick to prepare and incredibly easy too. This kids special pizza omelette is one of those recipes that you can serve for both breakfast and dinner easily.
An omelette is a nice way to cook with kids because they love to break the eggs and whisk them. Even the little one could help and add ingredients in the bowl. Let your kids choose the toppings for their pizza omelette and prepare this protein packed choice for them any time of the day. Furthermore this pizza omelette is as much loved by adults as by kids. If you wan to avoid high carbs pizza, this egg based pizza replaces high carbs pizza dough for a light and fluffy omelette base ready for whatever healthy topping you like.
In a bowl add eggs, all purpose flour, salt and oregano. Mix these well.
Gradually add milk in this dry mixture and whisk well. If required add more milk as we need a thick creamy consistency not too much thin or too much thick.
___________ For the Filling _________
Add cooking oil in a pan and heat it on medium flame.
Add chicken pieces in it and cook it along with bell peppers, salt, paprika powder, oregano and black pepper powder. (you may add vegetables of your choice in the filling).
Cook for 8-10 minutes or till the chicken is completely tender.
When the filling is cooked take it off the heat, let it come to the room temperature.
Then add this filling in the egg batter and combine well.
Grease a frying pan and pour the filling in it, cover with lid, let the pizza cook on very low flame. It will take about 3-4 minutes to cook.
When the top surface of the batter became dark in shade and stable apply the ketchup or sauce over it.
Add mozzarella cheese and olives over this, sprinkle some oregano, cover the pan again and let the cheese melt.
Kids special chicken pizza omelette is ready to enjoy.